channel your inner child
adult summer camp style weekend
Are you feeling the need to focus on your inner dreams and desires maybe needing some time to disconnect in order to reconnect?
Maybe a weekend getaway will help you pivot
'cause it's all about living a creative life....
disconnect to reconnect
Are you yearning to escape if only for a few days?
Are you questioning your life path and pace?
Are you craving some time to connect to the earth?
Are you yearning to disconnect from fast-paced society in order to reconnect yourself to the earth's bounty and lessons?
Are you savoring an opportunity to craft?
Want to learn new art techniques?
Are you hungry for foraging, discovering,
and engagement?
Who says kids get to have all the fun in the summer?
This weekend getaway in an Adult Summer Camp mindset is a great opportunity to spend some time for yourself nurturing the human spirit; connecting to the earth, yourself and others; and enjoying a glamping weekend as a disconnection from hectic regular life to a magical memory-filled nature escape.
The agenda includes structured art/nature/writing workshops with instruction, free time for wandering or napping, and group dinners.
Check out the general itinerary and other information in the FAQ.

forest therapy guided walk

What is Forest Therapy?
This guided nature immersion walk is inspired by "Forest Bathing" or "shinrin-yoku" developed in Japan in the 80s when the government recognized an increase in health problems brought about by the intensity and demands of the massive shift into an urban work environment. They conducted much research and through focus groups found significant benefits when spending time in forests and natural surroundings. They discovered that trees emit Phytonocides which benefit humans by increasing NK cells. It makes sense to realize that humans are not intended to live in so much constructed environments with artificial lighting and that being in nature is extremely beneficial.
What does this mean? What does this look like? How does this work? Your host Val is a certified guide and the Forest is the therapist. Each experience is unique to the individual. This is a slow walk without internet or phone distractions where you will be given invitations that emphasizes sensory interaction with the surroundings.
In your regular life, when would you have time to gaze at plants or insects, make a slow wander with no destination in mind, and stop in adoration of colors or more?
The walk is gentle and takes approximately 2.5 hrs. This will be your introduction to the land and the camp experience. P.S. Located in the rural rolling foothills of Appalachia in a part of Tennessee called the Western Highland Rim, the camp is about 20 minute drive to the small town of Hohenwald - German for "High Forest".

Create art and traditional craft using natural objects that you forage on the land.

Camp starts with a guided Forest Walk experience to engage all of your senses.

Discover more about edible flowers, foraged items, gardening, and eating healthy.

Learn about what you may already have around you that is edible. Learn about improving your health with organic, non-gmo, and non-processed food.

Fall in love with chickens and learn how you can shift from Mass-Ag production chain to local sourcing including your own backyard.

Learn about composting and the general waste impact on the land. Use upcycled materials in projects. Discover ways to reduce your personal environmental footprint.
itinerary highlights
Fun with words in this interactive workshop where we will embrace randomness and creative thinking. Join writer-in-residence around the campfire for word play with improv techniques. Take the words and continue to write over the weekend either poetry or paragraphs. Check back in with C.T. for feedback. Transform your writing into one-of-a-kind art if you desire with the cyanotype workshop or use materials on hand to collage or hand-letter compositions.

This workshop features a traditional photographic process of using the sun to expose chemically treated paper to make a print from natural objects that block out the sun causing white spaces when 'developed' by placing the paper in water to stop the exposure.
This workshop requires the sun, but for unexpected inclement weather, we can still create these inside with longer exposure time.
Experiment with composition and objects you find outside.

nature + lemon lodge

A highlight of camp is spending time with the donkey crew - Pepper Patrol.

Your camp memories will be forged in a home away from home environment.

The refreshing water of the Buffalo, the sounds of birds and sights of fireflies are just a few of what you'll find.
Don't let the word CAMP fool you
as you'll find comfort in our uniquely designed dwellings either the Lemon Lodge or the Raspberry Residency House
Our 17 acres is split into two with 5 acres featuring lodging, the donkey land, bamboo grove, burgeoning garden, peafowl aviary, chicken zone, and art studios for the residency program. The 12 acres is a blend between untamed Tennessee wonderland and a careful effort to allow for natural wildflowers and habitat featuring about 400 feet of Buffalo river frontage. We'll start the camp experience Saturday morning with a gentle forest walk with your certified guide and host.
Arrive FRIDAY between 5 AND 7PM
Introductions, group dinner, and writing workshop. If the skies are clear and you want to set the alarm for watching meteor shower, that's a great option but remember we'll get started around 9:30am on Saturday.
SATURDAY continental breakfast including fresh farm eggs to cook as you desire will be available along with coffee, tea, and juices.
The morning features a FOREST THERAPY WALK and light picnic lunch by the river. The early afternoon is your own to wander, read, work on your writing, take a nap so you can stay up late, or just hang out on the porch or pet the donkeys.
Late afternoon we will have our Cyanotype workshop where you can use some of the natural items you may have found during the day to create original art. You can even write your word play project on the compositions for a special effect.
Saturday evening will be a group dinner and a campfire weather permitting. We also have a film to share. Stay up as late as you want to watch the meteors. If there are no clouds in the sky, the best viewing is usually between 1 and 4 am.
Sleep in on Sunday and enjoy a continental breakfast on your own time before you depart.
Camp Program Fee includes meals, workshops and materials, Forest Therapy guided walk, time with the donkeys, plus the lodging of your choice.
Lodging options include:
up to 5 in our dormitory loft with twin beds (hall bath on 1st floor)
private room with Full bed (shared bath on 1st floor)
double room is King and Twin - includes bathroom
Dorm Single Beds $369 (ea)
Double Ensuite $399 (ea)
Private Rm Full Bed, shared bath (one available) $469

Is one of your biggest take-aways from the pandemic that we all have more value than working to the bone, burning the candle at both ends?
Don't forget to get your swag.

You can still book a similar program for your own group.
Inquire by completing the contact form below.
GENERAL RULESParticipants shall join the camp experience knowing that they will be involved in many outdoor activities as well as art related workshops. If you do not want to participate in these, do not register. Complaints about the weather, bugs, dirt, etc. will land on deaf ears and if they are consistent in interrupting or disrupting, your participation may end early. The Lemon Lodge has window a/c and fans, not hvac with super low temps. No shoes inside. Please leave the outside dirt outside. Shoes shall be left at the entrance. It may be beneficial to bring slippers or other footwear only used inside. We believe in tolerance and non-discrimination, but also do not subscribe to conspiracy theories. There shall be no harassment, bullying, or other inappropriate conduct towards people, animals, or the natural environment. NO CELL PHONE ZONE. If your phone is the only camera you have, you'll be able to use in airplane mode and turn in at night. The wifi is available if you need to check in with home. MAKE THIS A DISCONNECT EXPERIENCE. Participants must have their own insurance and may want to acquire travel insurance that may also cover illness prior to the event. Please notify of any medical issues including medicine in the paperwork. The event is open to any gender. Bathroom on the hall is shared with everyone. The double room has a private bath. Please notify of any allergies or food restrictions for meal planning.
LODGING/SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS?All lodging is furnished and inside the Lemon Lodge. The house was originally built in the 30s and features room expansions and upgrades. The house does not have hvac so the climate control may be more mild than participants are used to in their own homes or work environment. We'll embrace the natural environment and use the various times of the day to partake in certain activities. The heat of the day is spent in shade and inside. The camp experience in the shared house includes basic linens. You'll need your own towel and may want to bring your own pillow and/or blanket. you'll most likely reserve the dormitory style option and choosing which bed is first come first serve. You may want to bring your own pillow or blanket, but basic linens are supplied. Please bring your own towel, but towels are available for those who may forget. If you want a private room, please book that during registration. Participants will use the hall bathroom or if assigned the ensuite there is a private bath.
FOOD?Food is included in the program fee. All restrictions, allergies, and dietary preferences will be accommodated. The menu will emphasize organic, non-gmo, no antibiotic, and locally produced if possible. YOU MUST NOTIFY US OF ANY ALLERGIES THAT MAY CAUSE ANY LEVEL OF REACTION. We are technically not peanut-butter free in various spots. Camp interactions will include information to help you move away from processed foods and reliance on mass AG and convenience products to be able to live more healthy and sustainably. We'll learn a bit about compost and how much packaging can be wasted falling into landfills. There will be no junk food including soda. If you don't think that you can live without those, this may not be the best option for you. If you want to take a shot at trying new alternatives, then maybe you can take the leap. Each camper will be involved in some aspect of the meals each day.
TRANSPORTATION?Transportation is not included. If you need transportation, please ask and we can try to help coordinate your arrival and departure.
PAYMENT PLAN?If you choose to start with a deposit, you'll be contacted with a payment schedule for the balance. All funds are due no later than 60 days prior to the start of the camp.
CAN I STAY LONGER?Yes. We welcome you to stay longer. Please send inquiry to mail@campwonderwander.org for lodging rates for extended time. This is an opportunity to continue your study with Val on the extended stay either arriving early or staying late. Contact for a quote that will include food.
CAN I BRING MY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT?Yes! That would be fantastic if you wanted to bring any musical instrument that you would like to use during social times including around the campfire. This is a safe place. However, please note that any personal items are not the responsibility of the camp so you need to be mindful as to where you place the instrument and whom you allow to touch or use it.
CAN I BRING MY KAYAK?NO. There will not be time for this type of adventure. If you want to extend your stay or visit another time with family members, personal kayaks are okay on the Buffalo River for those visits. We do not offer any outfitting services.
What about bugs. dirt, and heat out in nature?"Yes there are bugs out here in nature. We share the planet with all sorts of creatures. This is an opportunity to channel your inner child curiousity to learn about how to be a good caretaker of the land and be friends with the creatures we may or may not see. Bring bug spray! Yes there is dirt. Please bring clothes and shoes that can get dirty or muddy knowing that you won't be able to do laundry during your time. Connecting to the earth is something that is recommended for various facets of our mental and physical health. Yes it can be hot in the summer. You may sweat. There are ways to cool off like taking a quick swim in the river or an extra shower before you go to bed. Channel your inner child and push through the discomfort to realize how our bodies work when we aren't forcing them to be in inefficient and unhealthy climate control including artificial lighting. Yes there is a/c in the house with window units, but it's not going to feel like walking into a freezer or big box store. If you need small fan to sleep you may want to bring your own. Think about innovative ways to cool off by wearing certain types of material, having wet cloth available, and hydrating. Will make plans to be outside during certain times of the day when it will be less hot, less sticky, etc. as best possible. Plan for dramatic summer storms followed by superb evening skies especially as the sun sets.
WHAT SHOULD WE BRING?Personal items and comfortable clothes. Shoes that are good for walking and are closed toe. Shoes that could possibly get wet. Slippers or socks for inside the house. Flashlight. Basic linens on the bed are provided, but you may want to bring your own pillow and blanket. Other supplies list will be sent closer to the camp.
HEALTH/ILLNESS & COVID19 STATEMENTPlease remember that the program fee is non-refundable. It may be helpful to purchase travel insurance. It is also recommended to pay more attention to activities prior to your arrival so that you don't catch a summer cold or other issues. You'll need to provide medical contact information in case of emergency during the week.
CANCELLATION POLICYOnce you have registered there are no cancellations before or during the event for any reason. Please read the complete terms and conditions prior to making final booking. Click on the button above the registration section.